3 min read

Issue #47

Hi there, welcome to the 47th issue of iOS Code Review! I hope you enjoy today's collection 🌞

💎 Sponsor of the week - Bitrise

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Use the right assertions

Swift offers a number of ways to assert, i.e. stop the program, when something unexpected happens. Here's the gist of what to use when:

  • Use assert() as often as you want, because it lets you check things are how you expect without having a performance impact in release mode, where the check is ignored
  • Use the unconditional assertionFailure() if there’s somewhere your code shouldn’t reach, but it’s not a disaster if it happens.
  • Use precondition() only when a check is critical to keep your user safe (app will crash). Same goes for fatalError().

Related, Combine's breakpointOnError() acts as a precondition and will stop (crash) the app in release builds too:

Read more on Hacking with Swift:

Understanding assertions – Hacking with Swift+
Assertions allow us to have Swift silently check the state of our program at runtime, but if you want to get them right you need to understand some intricacies. In this article I’ll walk you through the five ways we can make assertions in Swift, and provide clear advice on which to use and when.

Private Set

Don't know who needs to hear this but here's a reminder that private(set) exists 🙂

Implementing reachability

The users won’t always have a good internet connection, so optimizing your app for bad networking conditions is essential.
Apple directly advises against checking for connection state, and recommends attempting to make a network call either way, and respond to a failure.
When you really need to know the state of the connection, use NWPathMonitor to observe conenctivity. It's available since iOS 12, so there's no need for a third party reachability library anymore.
Antoine covers more details in his new article:

Optimizing your app for Network Reachability
Optimize your app for Networking Connectivity and prevent common mistakes like pre-checking for reachability.

@available attribute

My favorite use for the @available attribute is marking initWithCoder: methods, so they don't come up in autocomplete for the class:

final class MyView: UIView {

  @available(*, unavailable)
  required init?(coder: NSCoder) {
    fatalError("init(coder:) has not been implemented")
  init(customStuff: [Int]) {...}

There are other handy uses, such as marking your methods as deprecated - we don't have to provide the iOS version, and can just mark the method as "undesireable" for use:

@available(*, deprecated, message: "Use TheNewImplementation instead. OldImplementation will be deleted soon.")
class OldImplementation { ... }

Here's a short handy list of possible parameters to the @available attribite:

How to use the @available attribute in Swift
Swift provides the @available attribute which we can use to make our code only available for certain Swift language versions or platforms. Learn about the arguments unavailable, introduced, deprecated, obsoleted and more.

Alright, that's it for today!
Thank you to Bitrise for sponsoring this issue ❤️
I'm curious if you found one of the tips particularly interesting - let me know by replying to this email!